© Ramil Ramzievich Garifullin

Nanopsychology as a New Science

Nowadays the existence of nanopsychology as a science is for many people beyond any doubt. Suffice it to look on the Internet and you will see that nanopsychology has become one of the branches of engineering psychology (see Engineering Psychology in Wikipedia). It has already come into general psychological use, and Kazan is without doubt considered to be its home. In 2006, Kazan hosted the scientific conference Man in the Face of Global Challenge, which was organized by the Philosophical Society of Tatarstan. At this conference we substantiated a novel science — nanopsychology — and formulated the vectors and problems of its research. In years to come this science will lead to a fundamental transformation of human world-view and to the development of nanopsychology as a new world-view.

We should admit that today philosophical novelty can be found only in nanophilosophy (suggested by us), as a new world-view taking into account brand-new forms of the psychic (for example, psychosphere) developed due to the new psychology — nanopsychology.

Recent achievements in nanobiology and the introduction of nanotechnology [1] allow us to believe that psyche will develop in fundamentally new conditions, which will make us revise the ontological and epistemological problems of philosophy. Man will soon turn out to be really a spider in the worldwide web since to each of their neurons, cells and genes something will be strapped. Each particle of a human being will participate in some interactions. A person will be aware of them and will have to control them, being at the same time controlled by these systems. The time is not far off when brain signals are transmitted right through electron networks. Cerebrally open society concentrated in psychosphere can require from its members a different attitude to itself, world, and mankind. It is likely that memory of the individual psychic and the existence will gradually disappear leaving just the essence, which will be already not enough for the existence of the phenomenon of Man. It is a pity that we have hardly had time to understand what Man is, and we are losing it. However unfortunately, it is already impossible to stop this process due to the necessity to tighten control over people and to ensure safety of the planet because of the growing threat of destructive acts and terrorism in the conditions of globalization and Internet technologies.

All the above, particularly the development of nanopsychology suggested as a novel component of psychology, make us look in a new way at many ontological and epistemological problems of philosophy. Thereupon we are going to prove the new branch of psychology — nanopsychology, to outline its main principles, and to introduce some terms and categories.

Nonapsychology, in our opinion, can be divided into three main fields.

  • The field that deals with mental processes determined by natural nanostructures of brain, nervous and neurohumoral systems. This field in its turn is subdivided into the subfields studying a) mental processes associated with natural processes in nanostructures (uncontrollable nanostructures) and b) mental processes associated with artificial processes in nanostructures (nanostructures controlled by an operator in the here-and-now or delay conditions).
  • The field that deals with mental processes determined by artificial and controllable (in the here-and-now or delay conditions) or uncontrollable nanostructures implanted in brain, nervous and neurohumoral systems.
  • The field that deals with mental processes determined by the influence of systems (devices, chips, nanochips, nanobots, microemitters, microswitches, microcomputers, encoding and decoding microsystems, DNA-computers, etc.) created based on nanotechnology achievements. These systems either are implanted in brain, nervous and neurohumoral systems or act from outside.

From our point of view, the following problems exist in nanopsychology nowadays.

  • The problem of influence of nanoparticles (nanoblockers, nanoscreens, nanochips, and various nanoenergy structures) on mental processes. This problem includes a) the problem of transformation of bioinformation fields of brain by nanoparticles placed in its different areas; b) the problem of studying mental processes caused by the influence of nanoblockers, nanoscreens, nanochips, and various nanoenergy structures; c) the problem of controlling the above-mentioned processes.
  • The problem of making connection of brain structures and nerves with global networks (such as the Internet) by nanostructures.
  • The problem of control through a global radio network (such as the Internet) over mental processes of individuals with nanochips and other nanostructures implanted in their brain.
  • The problem of application of the above-mentioned artificial nanostructures as tools for the creation of new methods of studying mental processes.
  • The problem of interrelation of artificial nanostructures implanted in brain and nerves with natural brain nanostructures.
  • The problem of modeling psychic reality by impact of artificial nanostructures.
  • The problem of transformation, forecasting, and construction of psychic reality by means of variations of information coming through nanostructures.
  • The problem of studying mental processes taking place in the solutions (ideal and real) of nanoparticles, which includes the problem of transition to the macrolevel through the solutions of nanoparticles, and the problem of interaction with the solvent.
  • The problem of nanoelimination of various structures of brain and nerves, and its influence on mental processes.
  • The problem of searching for starting natural nanoprocesses and nanoreorganizations, and their simulation by artificial nanostructures.
  • The problem of creating simulators of brain processes’ encoding, and psychic prosthetics. Brain encodes and creates parameters, and our task is to implant artificial nanoprostheses and watch how mental processes change and how the coding (artificial) system adapts to the natural one. This problem also includes the problems of binarity; brain models (holographic, et al.); nanocoding structures of eyesight, perception, and sense of smell; nanocorrection of memory, thinking, conductivity, etc.
  • The problem of investigating psyche in the process of adaptation of artificial nanostructures in the systems of eyesight and perception. This process does not involve just the rough “bekhterev” removal and observation, but implies introduction of nanostructures (nanobots) producing hormones, medicines, etc.
  • Nanophysiology — psychology — secretion, etc.
  • The problem of studying correlation between mental processes (thinking, etc.) and nanoprocesses influencing them.
  • The power of thought and its reflection in nanoprocesses.
  • The code of spirituality.
  • Creation of brain nanoenvironment changing mental processes.
  • Synergetics and self-organization; the post-modernist projects.
  • The current existence of the gap between nanostructure research and mental processes, since the molecular mechanisms of thinking and memory are still poorly studied. Perhaps, it is better to find new starting, climactic, bifurcational, and synergetic mechanisms in brain, which determine mental processes.
  • Nanopsychology is a science that studies correlations between nanostructural and psychic transformations.
  • Nanopsychology allows for mathematical modeling of psychopathy.
  • Nanopsychology as a science about the subtlest psychophysiological shifts in brain’s work can become one of the modern psychological methods (in psychology), such as the tracer method.
  • Nanopsychology is a science about construction of artificial neural networks imitating natural ones (by the net synthesis as in network polymers).
  • Replacement of some of the parts of brain by DNA-calculators (nanobiology).


  1.  Garifullin R.R. Nanopsychology as a New Science. Nanophilosophy as a New World-View, in Man in the Face of Global Challenge, Philosophical Society of Tatarstan. Kazan, 2006. — pp. 101–106.

Опубликовано ramilgarifullin

Ramil Ramziyevitch Garifullin is a group psychotherapist, Candidate of Psychological Sciences (Doctor of Psychology), Director of Kazan Psychological Centre (since 1990), one of the founders of Russian Manipulation Psychology. He has developed the conception of the Illusionism of personality, the psychological security of Russia, and also the conception of covered prophylaxis of drug addiction and alcoholism. He is the author of the method of borderline analysis and encoding. The gerontocollapsical theory of drug dependence created by him is to a certain extent used in practice. R.R. Garifullin gave his lectures in the world’s biggest universities. He has defended his thesis on “Psycho-correction of semantic structures of a drug-dependent personality”. He is the author of the first books in Russia on the psychology of manipulation, such as “Encyclopaedia of Bluff”(1995), “Manipulation Psychology and Psychotherapy”(1995), “Illusionism of Personality”(1997), “Illusionism and Tricks of Psychotherapy”(1997). Besides, he is the author of the books “Psychotherapeutic Studies in Verse”(1998), “Covered Prophylaxis of Drug Addiction”(2002) and others. R.R.Garifullin is the founder of the genre of psychotherapeutic investigations and stories in cinema and literature. He is the author of the short feature films (“Litchina” (Mask), 2002) and stories (“Mordaly” (Ugly faces), 2003).

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